is definitely a quote I live by. Since my mom got her first Jeep when I was in college (maybe at the end of high school?? I can't remember...) I've been in love. The fact that they're American made (mostly) and played such an iconic role in our nation's history during war times has had me sold from the beginning. (The 4 wheel drive doesn't hurt either). Well my very first Jeep - a 2007 Liberty finally bit the dust and had to be laid to rest (traded in) for, shockingly, another Jeep Liberty!
She's a 2012 and 'Wild Cherry Red'. I've decided she has to be a girl because she's so sassy (being red and all). I got her on July 24th, one of my best friend's birthdays. She's fabulous. I always thought my next Jeep would be black just because I like the way they look, but we got a better deal on the red one - less than 5,000 miles on her!! So red it is, and I really love it!
Side story: My friend Matthew - who's birthday it was- sent me a message that day:
M: "I lost my wallet... on my birthday"
Me: "I got a new car... on your birthday..."
M: "Just had to cancel my cards and now I'm going to have to order a new license and ss card"
Me: "Well.. I guess 29 can only go up from here?"
M: "I hope so... mesh shorts are my undoing..."
Me: "Enemy #1 of fashion AND wallets..."
Thankfully we share the same sense of humor and he wasn't upset with my gloating lol.
Another perk of the new Jeep - Serius XM Radio that I got a free subscription to. I absolutely love it since none of the stations up here really play any of the music I listen to - folk and indie.
2013 must be the year of new things - car, house, dog. I can't wait to see what else is in store for us :)
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