around our house lately. Over the past few weeks I've been going in to get my classroom ready for another busy school year and we've been spending our weekends visiting family and staining and putting up log siding at camp! Our house set date has been officially established as September 12th (at least the push back dates are getting closer together...) with 1 module being delivered on Monday the 9th, and the other 3 on Tuesday the 10th. I plan on taking 1/2 a day off from work to see them set the house on the foundation. I'm hoping they won't do it in the morning, but be setting things up so that I won't miss it while I'm at work. It stinks that it had to be scheduled during our first full week of school but if I don't go I know I'll regret it. It's not like I'll be able to see it on the next house we build because there will be no next house! Also - we finally got power! and we bought a New Holland tractor with a front end loader! (I wasn't exaggerating when I said it's been crazy!) Everything always seems to happen all at once for us. Keeps us on our toes I suppose :)
Anywho! I figured I'd give you guys a glimpse of my classroom this year since I'm pretty proud of it. I've spent a lot of time getting it ready this year, which has been nice since last year I was hired so late in the summer I only had 1 week to get things together! This year we were let back into our rooms the second week of August so having this extra time has been really nice.
So here's a little tour!
Here's my hall bulletin board (still working on it)
View in through my door (with my name on it! Finally!)
Here's the Information Station as you walk in my room. I don't really call it that... I don't actually call it anything... It's where students can grab extra pencils, lined paper, blank paper, look at the calendar for upcoming events (yet to be filled in) and grab work they might have missed if they were absent.
If you turn immediately to the left when walking in the door you see my computers and prayer table. (It's a Catholic school after all!)
Along the back wall next to the computers is my Brilliant Board for student work earning higher than a 90%, mailboxes for notes going home, part of my writing center - worksheets they'll use for vocabulary work and spelling are in the black trays, and the treat jar (thanks to my Mother-in-law for the animal cracker jug!) for the students featured on the Brilliant Board.
This is a view from just inside the door. I have a small reading area set up between the two large bookcases in the back of my room (where the white lamp is). It's a bit hard to see and a bit hard to take pictures of...
The far side of the classroom with my desk, reading table and class library (behind the large white easel). I have no idea why the picture is so dark...
My desk area and shelving with craft supplies and classroom materials for the kids to use.
The small group reading table is next to my desk
Next to that, in the front corner of the room is my classroom library and my summer's work: the tree!
After last year, wheeling the TV into and out of position whenever we watched video clips, I knew I had to find a place to put it permanently this year where all students would still be able to see it without a glare from the windows. I found the perfect spot in the shade of my new tree!
In the library I have books and games and puzzles for students to utilize, some pillows to curl up with and the ever famous dog fan! I also painted all of the purple bookshelves and covered them with contact paper.
On the other side of the library is my supply area during instruction. We have our white board with our daily schedule on it and on the book shelf I have math manipulatives, ELA tools and other odds and ends I use during different activities with the kids.
Student view (sort of) of the front of the room.
and that's it!
So far the kids love it and so do I! I really try to make it as comfortable as possible, not only for the kids but for me. I spent 85% of my day at school so I try to make it a place I really enjoy being. I think the kids appreciate it too :)
Hopefully the next update I'll have will be on the delivery of our new house. Fingers crossed!
House looks like it is coming along really well. Tried contacting you both did not hear back from you. Life is short so do not forget me. Love Aunt Jen